Shiptars (ethnic Albanians) in Serbia’s province of Kosovo were not satisfied with chasing away the Serbs from their ancestral homes and fields, they turned their anger and hate toward churches, monuments and cemeteries.
When Mao assumed power in China his armies did the same thing to rid China of her past in order to easier indoctrinate Chinese citizens into communism. When United States attacked Iraq and destroyed its infrastructure Saddam Hussein’s Statue was knocked down also.
What is happening in America lately is nothing new to people who came here from various parts of the world, including our own people from Serbia. There is hardly anything new on the agenda of the so called Antifa Movement here in America that some of us did not see earlier in our former country. Democracy is fine and noble but it can be hazardous to one’s health. American Constitution is a beautiful document which, among other liberties, guaranties its citizens the right to assemble and protest, peacefully, though. One of my fellow Serbs sent me an E-mail lately and said something like this: there is nothing peaceful in bringing a crowbar to a “protest”, a baseball bat, an incendiary material, a brick or a rock. These are not the tools of building things but those of destruction. We are sure these idiots did not bring the rocks and bricks to build houses.
You have to have a strong stomach to watch the so-called news now days. The more I watch the events on TV the more I switch to cartoons. My escape from reality used to be sports, but corona killed that too, so now I either watch the reruns of Hogan’s Heroes, Andy Griffith Show or Two and a half Men.
But back to the destruction of American historical monuments and statues. One has a feeling that these so called protesters (anarchists) have no idea of the American history, or, at least it seems so. Our President had to step forward and protect the statues of Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, even Ulises Grant! If your reasoning is that Thomas Jefferson once owned slaves, Lincoln and Grant did not. These two freed the slaves, for God’s sake.
Am I looking for logic in all these events and happenings in America? I believe I am, and logic will not get me far. Our President Trump bans air traffic to China in the beginning of this year, and the opposition brands him xenophobic. To show her displeasure with Trump Nancy Pelosi declares that she would go to San Franciscso’s China Town to dance with our Chinese! A few weeks later this same opposition calls him too soft to communist Chinese and blames him for 125.000 corona deaths in the United States.
Scotty, beam me up. There is no intelligent life on this planet. I heard that even Winston Churchill is not safe in England anymore, his statue in London, that is. It had to be encased in some chains and steel to protect it from “protesters”. He was allegedly responsible for some misdeeds in Africa whereupon he created a concentration camp for Kenyans during his reign in England. Now I understand why former President Obama removed Churchill’s bust from the White House and sent it back to England, I would have done the same, though for different reasons. Churchill sold my people to Stalin and I had to endure twenty years of communism before coming to America. Millions of other people are still suffering under one form of communism or other.
Still, let us be civilized. If we destroy our past we may have to repeat some of the same mistakes of our ancestors. When I was a refugee during the Second World War our people were housed in an abandoned German village of Backa, former Yugoslavia.
Full article in printed Liberty